The MC025X MK 3/4 scroll bending tool takes the baseline MC025 Mk 3 4 ornamental scroll bender for making wrought iron scrolls and also includes an optional extra set of tube bending components.
These components include a special guide pressure roller plus one small and one large tube former segment to provide the extra capability of a pipe bender in addition to being an amazing metal scroller.
Selecting the large or small former dictates the radius of the bend and this is positioned under and driven by, the main centre segment with all the outer scroll forming segments detached. Check out the video clip here for a demonstration of how this provides a truly universal scroll bender and tube bending machine.
Dimensions: 365mm W x 360mm D x 180mm H x 530mm Handle Radius (extendable to 910mm)
Max working Capacity*
50mm x 6mm to 25mm x 10mm (flat strip)
14mm (square bar) - 16mm if bar heated
14mm dia (round bar) - 16mm if bar heated
Max scroll size*
Tube Bending Capacity*
Max tube dimensions - 20mm O/D
Recommended wall thickness - 1.5mm to 2mm
Dia of small tube former segment - 79mm
Dia of large tube former segment - 128mm
* All sizes are approximate and in mm unless stated otherwise
Note also - The Mk3/3 and Mk3/4 Scroll Formers also have interchangeable segments to allow different scrolls shapes to be made.
Extendable Handles help deliver extra power when scrolling bigger materials.
The maximum scroll size quoted is approximate due to the varying temper (spring) of steel.
All tools on this page are supplied complete with operating instructions, spare parts diagram, scroll former template sheets and magnetic markers for repeatable scrolls.
Please note: The maximum working capacity is for Hot Rolled Mild Steel Bar and Annealed Bright Mild Steel Bar. Working beyond these limits or with material of greater hardness may reduce the operational life of the machines.
Operations and Features
- Still operates exactly as MC025 Mk 3/4 Scroll Former but with additional capability
- Easy To Use
- Provided with two sizes (large & small) tube bending components
Tool still operates as the MC025 Mk 3/4 Scroll Former but this package includes Tube Forming Components which fit on the pressure roller and underneath the centre segment.

Once end of tube fed into tube bending component, rotate handles to create bend in tube up to 180 degrees.